Tug and Barge Courses
In addition to the Workboat Mate Program, MITAGS has developed a comprehensive training matrix specifically for the tugboat and barge industry. Many of these courses may be customized and/or taught at offsite locations. The table below provides links to tugboat and barge related courses.
- Levels of Tugboat Operator Training
- How to Become a Tugboat Captain
- Find a Tugboat Captain License Training Course Near You
We offer tugboat operator training for the following levels or roles within the tugboat and barge industry:
- Able Seaman (AB)
- Person-In-Charge of Tanker or Barge Operations
- Mate of Towing Vessels
- Master of Towing Vessels
Many of our courses, such as Z-Drive/ASD Tug Training, include tugboat simulator training to provide you with the necessary skills to advance in your career, such as progressing from a mate of towing vessels to a master of towing vessels, also known as a tugboat captain. Whether you intend to become a master of towing vessels or an AB, you can find a complete training program for tugboat operators at our center in Baltimore, Maryland.
Joining a training program for tugboat captains requires that you meet the following pre-requisites:
- Age 21 years or older
- Proof of U.S. citizenship
- Valid Merchant Marine Licensing and Documentation (MMLD) Medical Certificate
- Valid MMLD with “Y” designation for Safety and Security Evaluation Branch (SSEB) screening
- Approved drug test within the last six months
You must also possess a Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) endorsement if your towing vessel partakes in the following voyages:
- Ocean voyages beyond near-coastal waters
- International tours
- Domestic and near-coastal voyages on a towing vessel of 200 Gross Register Tonnage (GRT) or more
The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) also mandates that you provide proof of 90 days of service in the last three years, as well as meet these additional sea service requirements:
- Mate of towing vessels for 540 days
- Mate of towing vessels on a single route for 90 days
Validate your service time and ensure it is compliant with the requirements of a tug master course in the United States by reviewing the following:
- Service on the Great Lakes receives a day-for-day credit
- Service on inland waters qualifies for up to 50 percent of your required service
To complete your tugboat captain license training, you will also need to provide an endorsed Towing Officer Assessment Record (TOAR) for oceans or near-coastal areas. A designated examiner of the National Maritime Center (NMC) is responsible for conducting these assessments. If you are seeking endorsement for Western Rivers on a towing vessel of 200 GRT or more, you will need to undergo 90 days of observation and training, plus an additional TOAR.
After undergoing your tugboat operating training in Maryland, you may file your application with the USCG to update your Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC).
At MITAGS, we offer a comprehensive training program for tugboat operators. Our non-profit vocational training center focuses on providing you with the skills, experience and knowledge to not only expand your career opportunities but also grow your confidence as a mariner, whether as an AB or Master of Towing. Through our in-depth tugboat license training courses, as well as our more than 40-year relationship with regional and national maritime employers, we will give you the opportunity to join leading teams in the industry.
Learn more about our training courses for obtaining a tugboat captain license or endorsement by browsing our course list or contacting us today.
Download Our Tug Training Matrix
Tug Training Matrix
“Thanks again for providing Navy Region Northwest with the best training opportunities available on the West Coast with MITAGS’s state of the art Tug/Ship Simulator and operators with Captain Jeff Slesinger’s, Delphi Maritime’s professional tutelage in ASD tug instruction. Thank you for the thoughtful and concise assessment of each student. This provides the independent feedback needed for each of these individuals to “think with their head” or “think with their hands” when continuing their process to excellence in becoming an ASD Tug Master for Navy Region Northwest.”
Course List
Able Seaman
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This five-day Able Bodied Seaman course (MITAGS-1) is for Ordinary Seaman with experience at sea who are looking to upgrade their credential to an Able Seaman rating. The course aims to provide the knowledge, understanding, and skills that are required for a mariner to perform as a safe and effective Able Seafarer in the deck department. If presented within one year of course completion and meeting all other Able Seaman requirements, a completion certificate from this course will satisfy the USCG exam requirements of the National Able Seaman endorsement. Sea service requirements will determine the level of Able Seaman endorsement a student is eligible for.
- Course Format5 Days
- Length5 Days
- Training MethodLecture and practical demonstration
- SimulationNone
ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aids)
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This course (MITAGS-37) is required for all officers who serve on vessels equipped with ARPA. Attendees will learn collision avoidance and navigation. Trainees use commercial ARPA equipment with landmasses, environmental effects and vessel returns. The curriculum exceeds IMO requirements. “Hands-on” simulation is conducted on Raytheon, Sperry, and Furuno ARPAs. The successful completion of the course entitles attendees to a USCG/STCW ARPA certificate.
Prerequisite- Radar Observer Unlimited.
Suggested Courses/Skills- Required on vessels equipped with ARPA. See NVIC 10-14, 11-14 and 12-14.
This course satisfies the following STCW 2010 and CFR requirements:
- 46 CFR 11.305(a)(3)(vi); 46 CFR 11.307(a)(3)(vi); 46 CFR 11.309(a)(4)(xiv); 46 CFR 11.311(a)(3)(viii); 46 CFR 11.313(a)(3)(viii); 46 CFR 11.315(a)(3)(v); 46 CFR 11.317(a)(3)(vii); 46 CFR 11.319(a)(4)(viii); and 46 CFR 11.321(a)(3)(vii)
- STCW 2010 Table A-II/1 Code
- NVIC 10-14 Task 5.1.A
- NVIC 12-14 Tasks 3.5.A, 3.6.A, 3.6.B, 3.6.C, 3.6.D, 3.6.E, 3.6.F, 3.6.G, 3.6.H, 3.6.I, 3.6.J, 3.6.L, 3.6.M and 3.6.K
- Course Format4 Days
- Length4 Days
- Training MethodLecture and Practical Demonstration
- SimulationTransas Part Task Simulators
Basic Fire Fighting (16-Hour)
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This course (MITAGS-54) is designed to train seafarers in minimizing risk, maintaining state of readiness, and extinguishing shipboard fires. It combines both classroom and practical fire-field exercises in full turnout gear with live burns. This course is also part of the Basic Safety Training course. This module is one of the four elements (fire-fighting, personal survival, personal and social responsibility) necessary for STCW 2010 Basic Training (BT). BT is required for all mariners with safety or emergency duties sailing on vessels 200 GRT tons or greater on near coastal or ocean voyages.
To schedule this one module, please contact our admissions team for the specific date of this module during one of our scheduled BT course sessions.
This course satisfies the following STCW 2010 and CFR training requirements
- Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting per STCW Code Section A-VI/1; Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting per 46 CFR 11.302(a)(2) and 46 CFR 12.602(a)(2); Basic Fire Fighting per 46 CFR 11.201(h)(2) [Basic only] and 46 CFR 11.201(h)(3); AND The firefighting requirements for a national tankerman endorsement in 46 CFR 13.201(c)(3), 13.301(c)(3); 13.401(d); and 13.501(c)(3).
- NVIC 08-14 Tasks: 2.1.A, 2.2.A, 2.3.A, 2.4.A, 2.5.A, 2.5.B, 2.5.C, 2.6.A, 2.7.A, 2.8.A, 2.8.B, 2.8.C, 2.9.A, 2.9.B, 3.1.A, 3.2.A, 3.2.B, 3.3.A, 3.4.A, 3.4.B, 3.5.A, 3.6.A, 3.7.A, 3.8.A, 3.8.B, 3.8.C, and 3.8.D.
- NVIC 12-14 Task 19.2.A
- 46 CFR 12.602(a)(2)
- 46 CFR 11.201(h)(2)[Basic Only]
- 46 CFR 11.201(h)(3)
- 46 CFR 13.201(c)(3), 13.301(c)(3), 13.401(d), or 13.501(c)(3) for any tankerman endorsement
Prerequisites- There are no entry requirements other than general good health and the physical ability to safely carry out rigorous activities during “live” fire fighting exercises. Fire-field safety rules require all students to be clean shaven in order to ensure a proper seal with the self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Each student will be required to complete a screening questionnaire prior to training.
Suggested Courses/Skills- None.
- Course Format2 Days
- Length2 Days
- Training MethodLecture and Practical Demonstration
- SimulationHands on practice in extinguishing live fires
Bridge Resource Management Refresher - Tug - 2 Day
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This course is designed to review with the attendee the skills, knowledge and proficiency, at the operational and management level, to stand a safe navigational watch, manage an efficient and effective bridge and deck team, maintain proper awareness both in port and underway, manage the tasks of towing/barge handling/ship escort/ship support, and keep proper logs and voyage plans.
- Course Format2 Days
- Length2 Days
- SimulationTug Simulator
Damage Control (MITAGS)
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Thisone-day course is designed to meet the Military Sealift Command (MSC) damage control training requirements. The course is highly recommended for all mariners. The information learned during the classroom sessions is reinforced in the application phase. Attendees perform as members of a damage control team to combat various types of shipboard damage, other than fire
Prerequisites- The student should have completed a USCG approved fire-fighting course (MITAGS offers firefighting courses onsite) or OICNW Level Certification.
Suggested Courses/Skills- The Student needs to have an understanding of shipboard organization
- Course Format1 Days
- Length1 Days
- Training MethodLecture/Practical
- SimulationNone
Designated Duty Engineer Unlimited Horsepower
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The goal of this 20-day, 140-hour course of instruction is designed to provide training to personnel in the engine department with instruction and proficiency in motor and/or steam engineering. This course is designed to provide training to personnel in the engine department with instruction and proficiency in the use of hand tools and measuring instruments, firefighting, piping systems, safety precautions, combustible fuels, boilers, electrical safety and theory, engine room auxiliaries, damage control, pollution laws and regulations, ship construction, principles of refrigeration, hydraulics, filters and strainers, motor plants, pneumatics, pumps, steering gear, deck machinery and air compressors.
This course is also designed to provide entry level Engine Department personnel with the knowledge and understanding of the subjects covered in USCG QMED exams. QMED General, Oiler, and Fireman/Watertender are covered.
DDE endorsements are issued in 3 levels of horsepower dependent upon the total service, and completion of the appropriate exam modules. They include:
- DDE Unlimited HP: 1080 days with 540 days as a QMED, QMED DDE
- 4,000 HP: 720 days with 360 days as a QMED, QMED DDE
- 1,000 HP: 360 days with 180 days as a QMED
Prerequisites - DDE Unlimited HP: 1080 days with 540 days as a QMED or equivalent position. DDE,4,000 HP: 720 days with 360 days as a QMED or equivalent position, DDE,1,000 HP: 360 days with 180 days as a QMED or equivalent position.
Suggested Courses/Skills - See NVIC 17-14 & 18-14. DDE Unlimited HP: 1080 days with 540 days as a QMED or equivalent position. DDE,4,000 HP: 720 days with 360 days as a QMED or equivalent position, DDE,1,000 HP: 360 days with 180 days as a QMED or equivalent position.
- Course Format20 Days
- Length26 Days
- Training MethodLecture and Practice
- SimulationNone
Electronic Chart Display Information System
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The 40-hour Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) course (MITAGS-179) is designed to enhance the safety of navigation by providing the knowledge and skills necessary to fully utilize ECDIS. The course incorporates live marine ECDIS equipment, networked with interactive blind bridge simulators. The ECDIS used is the Transas Marine NaviSailor software and meets IMO performance standards.
This course satisfies the following training requirements
- Table A-II/1 of the STCW Code
- Table A-II/2 of the STCW Code
- NVIC 10-14 and NVIC 11-14 tasks: 2.2.A and 6.1.A - 6.7.A
- NVIC 12-14 tasks: 1.4.C, 1.4.D, 1.5.A, 4.1.A, and 4.2.A.
- This course meets the standard of IMO Model Course 1.27 for generic training and meets Transas ECDIS type specific familiarization on those vessels equipped with ECDIS.
Prerequisites-Prior to taking this course, mariners must be certified in Terrestrial & coastal navigation (TCNAV-CO), or prior navigation experience as OICNW Master, and basic piloting and be skilled in intermediate computer operations.
Suggested Courses/Skills- See NVIC 02-14. Mariners will benefit from prior experience in collision avoidance on ARPA and Radar (strongly recommended), Ship Handling, Bridge Resource Management, and Chart Portfolio Management.
- Course Format5 Days
- Length5 Days
- Training MethodLecture/Lab and Practical Demonstration
- SimulationYes
Fatigue, Sleep & Medications
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This one-day seminar will assist attendees in understanding how medications, sleep patterns / disorders decrease situational awareness. Basic information on the sleep and fatigue will be discussed. Participants will review the effects of prescription and over-the-counter medications on piloting performance and fatigue. Additionally, positive and negative utilization of caffeine / energy drinks as a stimulant will be discussed.
Prerequisites- None.
Suggested Courses/Skills- None.
- Course Format1 Days
- Length1 Days
- Training MethodLecture and discussion in a seminar setting.
- SimulationNone
First Aid and CPR
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This eight-hour U.S. Coast Guard- (USCG-) approved first aid course (MITAGS-197) provides you with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide immediate life-saving first aid until the arrival of more experienced first–aiders.
This module is one of the four elements (first aid CPR, fire-fighting, personal survival, personal and social responsibility) necessary for Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW) 2010 Basic Training (BT). All mariners with safety or emergency duties sailing on vessels 200 GRT tons or greater on near coastal or ocean voyages must complete BT.
To schedule this one module, please contact our admissions team for the specific date of this module during one of our scheduled BT course sessions.
This STCW first aid course satisfies the following STCW 2010 and Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) training requirements:
- Section A-VI/1, and Table A-VI/1-3 - BST Elementary First Aid
- 46 CFR 11.302(a)(3) and 46 CFR 12.602(a)(3) - Elementary First Aid
- 46 CFR 11.201(i)(1) - First Aid and CPR
- NVIC 08-14 Tasks: 4.1.A, 4.1.B, 4.1.C, 4.1.D, 4.1.E, 4.2.A, 4.3.A, 4.3.B, 4.4.A, 4.4.B, 4.4.C, 4.4.D, 4.4.E, 4.4.F, 4.4.G, 4.4.H, 4.4.I, 4.5.A, 4.6.A, 4.6.B, 4.7.A, 4.7.B, 4.7.C, 4.8.A, 4.8.B, 4.8.C, 4.8.D, and 4.9.A
- NVIC 12-14 Task 19.3.A
This course can be taught at company locations or combined with other courses.
Prerequisites- None.
Suggested Courses/Skills- See NVIC 08-14.
- Course Format1 Days
- Length1 Days
- Training MethodLecture, Role Play, and Practical Demonstration
Medical Care Provider
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This five-day medical care provider course (MITPMI-310) is for seafarers responsible for administering immediate first aid to the ship’s personnel, as well as assisting the Ship’s Medical Person-in-Charge with providing definitive medical care. Attendees will learn and develop skills needed to recognize and help in medical emergencies, promote the methods required to maintain the well-being and safety of ship's personnel, conduct patient assessments and other essential ship board medical procedures.
This course is established using guidelines provided by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers Code (STCW).
View the available course dates
Maritime Medical Care Provider Course Requirements
At MITAGS, we require all applicants to complete an STCW basic first aid course with success. If you are aiming for an Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch (OICNW) Qualification, you will need to adhere to select guidelines of the Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVIC), specifically 12-14 and 13-14, which mandate training as a medical first aid provider. The United States Coast Guard (USCG) must approve the medical care provider course you take.
Requirements Satisfied by STCW Medical Care Courses
This course satisfies the following STCW and CFR medical training requirements:
- Section A-VI/1, and Table A-VI/1-3 - BST Elementary First Aid.
- Section A-VI/4 and Table A-VI/4-1 Medical Care Provider.
- The Elementary First Aid training requirements of 46 CFR 11.302(a)(3), 46 CFR 12.602(a)(3), and the First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) training requirements of 46 CFR 11.201(i)(1)
- The competency requirements of 46 CFR 12.619(a)(2)
- The Medical First-Aid Provider training requirements of 46 CFR 11.309(a)(4)(i); 46 CFR 11.317(a)(3)(i); 46 CFR 11.319(a)(4)(i); 46 CFR 11.329(a)(4)(i); 46 CFR 11.335(a)(3)(i); and 46 CFR 12.619(a)(1)
- The following Tasks of NVIC 12-14: 16.1.A and 19.3.A
Prerequisites- STCW- Basic First Aid
Suggested Courses/Skills- See NVIC 12-14 & 13-14. Mandatory for OICNW Qualification after 12/31/2017.
Locations for USCG Medical Care Provider Classes
At MITAGS, we teach our USCG medical care provider class at both our Maryland and our Washington campuses. The cost for the courses does not vary by location, offering you flexibility in where you choose to take your maritime medical care provider course. Both campuses are also in close proximity to nearby major airports, Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI) and Seattle Tacoma (SEA-TAC) International Airport.
How to Register for an STCW Medical Care Course in Washington or Maryland
If you are signing up for an STCW medical care course in Washington or Maryland, follow these steps:
- Pick your session date.
- Add your class to your cart.
- Make your MITAGS account.
- Provide your preferred payment method.
- Complete your checkout and registration.
If you require assistance with registration, our knowledgeable team can help.
- Course Format5 Days
- Length5 Days
- Training MethodLecture and Practical Demonstration
- SimulationNone
Meteorology (Operational Level)
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This course (MITAGS-316) is required for Able Seamen upgrading to 3rd/2nd Mate. The goal of this 35-hour training course, “Meteorology”, is to provide trainees with knowledge, understanding and proficiency in Meteorology at the Operational Level for Officers in Charge of a Navigational Watch. It provides students with a knowledge of the characteristics of various weather systems, reporting procedures and recording systems and onboard meteorological instruments. Attendees will gain the ability to apply the meteorological information available.
This course satisfies the following STCW 2010 and CFR training requirements:
- the Meteorology knowledge, understanding, and proficiency requirements of Table A-II/1 of the STCW Code, as amended 2010; the approved training requirements of 46 CFR 11.309(a)(4)(xiii) for certification as an Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch on vessels of 500 gross tons (ITC) or more.
- the specific assessments tasks from the National Assessment Guidelines found in NVIC 12-14: Tasks 1.9.A, 1.9.B, 1.10.A, 1.10.B, 1.10.C, 1.10.D, 1.10.E, 1.10.F, and 1.10.G.
Prerequisites- None.
Suggested Courses/Skills- See NVIC 12-14 & 13-14.
- Course Format5 Days
- Length5 Days
- Training MethodLecture
- SimulationNone
Radar Observer (Unlimited)
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This Coast Guard approved course (MITAGS-399) is required for all officers who serve on vessels equipped with RADAR. Attendees will develop the skills needed for risk assessment, collision avoidance, and navigation. Trainees use commercial RADAR equipment with land masses, environmental effects and vessel returns. The curriculum exceeds USCG and IMO requirements for radar training. “Hands-on” simulation is conducted in the Institute’s four-ship interactive radar simulator. This course satisfies the following Tasks of NVIC NVIC 12-14 (Ch 4) and 02-18 (Ch 1) Tasks 1.4.A, 1.4.B, 2.1.D, 2.1.E, 2.1.F, 2.1.G, 3.2.A, 3.2.B, 3.3.A, and 3.4 and NVIC 13-14(Ch 3) Tasks 1.8.A and 1.8.B.
Prerequisites- None.
Suggested Courses/Skills- Knowledge of navigation is suggested for this maritime training course.
- Course Format5 Days
- Length5 Days
- Training MethodLecture/Demo
- SimulationBlind Bridge
Radar Observer Recertification
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The Radar Observer Recertification course (MITAGS-402) is designed to provide mariners with refresher training in radar plotting, navigation, and collision avoidance, and document the student’s demonstration of the knowledge, skills, and abilities regarding the operation of commercial marine radar in accordance with the training objectives stated in 46 CFR Part 10.305, Licensing of Maritime Personnel. This course is designed for mariners desiring to renew their radar observer endorsement. It meets the requirements of 46 CFR 11.480(d) for renewal of a radar observer endorsement.
Please note that the course is often offered "on demand" at MITAGS during evenings (depending on instructor availability). If you are enrolling in another course, please request an evening radar on your application to Admissions. Also ask Admissions to keep you informed of any unpublished weekend offerings.
Prerequisites- Radar Observer Unlimited.
Suggested Courses/Skills- See NVIC 0214.
- Course Format1 Days
- Length1 Days
- Training MethodLecture/Demo
- SimulationBlind Bridge
Radar Observer Recertification - Night Course
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The Radar Observer Recertification Night course (MITPMI-402) at MITAGS is designed to provide mariners with refresher training in radar plotting, navigation, and collision avoidance, and document the student’s demonstration of the knowledge, skills, and abilities regarding the operation of commercial marine radar in accordance with the training objectives. Licensing of Maritime Personnel. This course is designed for mariners desiring to renew their radar observer endorsement. It meets the requirements of 46 CFR 11.480(d) for renewal of a radar observer endorsement.
Prerequisites- Radar Observer Unlimited.
Suggested Courses/Skills- See NVIC 0214.
- Course Format1 Days
- Length1 Days
- Training MethodHands on radar plotting
- SimulationAll Weather Navigation Simulator
Tank Ship Dangerous Liquids
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This course (MITPMI-501) prepares trainees for duties as the Person-In-Charge of Tanker and / or Barge Operations, including loading and discharging procedures, tank preparation, pollution prevention and hazard control. This course also satisfies the Tankerman Assistant requirements for those that do not have the required Loads and Discharges. Once you receive the required Loads and Discharges, you will automatically be upgraded to Tankerman Person in Charge.
Prerequisites- This course is intended for those possessing a valid MMD, USCG License or Endorsement as a Tankerman under previous regulations, but is open to all appropriate industry personnel.
Suggested Courses/Skills- See NVIC 22-14.
- Course Format5 Days
- Length5 Days
- Training MethodLecture
- SimulationNone
Towing Vessel Renewal Program
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This Practical Demonstration of competence (MITPMI-654) is primarily for Masters of Towing Vessels whose Masters of Towing Endorsements is either up for renewal or has expired.
This course may be customized to incorporate company policies and procedures and / or combined with other training. It may also be taught offsite. For more information on how MITAGS-PMI can develop a “turn-key” training solutions for your organization, please call 1-866-656-5569 or e-mail Admissions@mitags.org.
- Course Format1 Days
- Length1 Days
- Training MethodLecture/Demo/Practices
- SimulationFull Mission Simulation
Tractor Tug 2-Day Course
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The two-day tractor tug course provides the same knowledge as the three-day course but has less practical training in the shiphandling simulator. The course covers a number of areas in both the classroom and on the shiphandling simulator to demonstrate the capabilities and limitations of tractors.
Prerequisites- Master or Mate of Towing Vessels.
Suggested Courses/Skills- None.
- Course Format2 Days
- Length2 Days
- Training MethodLecture/Practical
- SimulationYes
Tractor Tugs 3-Day Course
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The three-day tractor course provides knowledge and practical training in the theory, operation, and application of Voith Schneider and Z-Drive or "Reverse" Tractors. The course covers a number of areas in both the classroom and on the shiphandling simulator to demonstrate the capabilities and limitations of tractors.
Prerequisites- Master or Mate of Towing Vessels.
Suggested Courses/Skills- None.
- Course Format3 Days
- Length3 Days
- Training MethodLecture/Practical
- SimulationYes
Z-Drive TTT
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To view our comprehensive flyer for this course, click here.
This course is primarily for experienced workboat officers that have little or no experience with ASD Z-Drives. This course combines lecture, simulation, and a comprehensive Z-Drive Workbook over a three-day period.
Course Subjects:
- Principles of Z-Drive Tug Design
- Z-Drive Mechanical Systems
- Principles of Z-Drive Tug Maneuvering
- Fundamentals of Light Tug Handling
- Communications
- Troubleshooting
- Fundamental Barge Maneuvers
- Light tugs Maneuvers - with or without current
- Z-Drive Competency Evaluation
This course may be customized to incorporate company policies and procedures and / or combined with other training. It may also be taught offsite. For more information on how MITAGS-PMI can develop a “turn-key” training solutions for your organization, please call 1-866-656-5569 or e-mail Admissions@mitags.org.
Prerequisites- Mate or Master of Towing Vessels.
Suggested Courses/Skills- None.
- Course Format3 Days
- Length3 Days
- Training MethodLecture/Demo/Practice
- SimulationFull Mission Simulation
Questions? Contact a School Advisor.