Able Seaman

  • Length5 Days
  • Pre-requisiteNone

Course Description

This five-day Able Bodied Seaman course (MITAGS-1) is for Ordinary Seaman with experience at sea who are looking to upgrade their credential to an Able Seaman rating. The course aims to provide the knowledge, understanding, and skills that are required for a mariner to perform as a safe and effective Able Seafarer in the deck department. If presented within one year of course completion and meeting all other Able Seaman requirements, a completion certificate from this course will satisfy the USCG exam requirements of the National Able Seaman endorsement. Sea service requirements will determine the level of Able Seaman endorsement a student is eligible for.

What You Will Learn


Course Objectives

A student successfully completing this course will be introduced to and trained in the following competencies:

  • Mooring Operations
  • Anchoring Operations
  • Cargo Handling
  • Rigging
  • Safety
  • Pollution Control
  • Marlinspike Seamanship



The Able Seaman course satisfies the following training requirements:

  • The examination and Marlinespike Seamanship demonstration requirements of 46 CFR 12.405(a), 12.405(b), 12.405(b)(1), 12.405(b)(2),12.405(c), 12.405(d); AND
  • the examination requirements of 46 CFR 12.409 for any endorsement as Able Seaman restricted to vessels without lifeboats; AND
  • the training requirements of STCW Code Section A-II/5, Table A-II/5, and the competency requirements of 46 CFR 12.603(a)(4); AND
  • the following Tasks from Enclosure (3) to NVIC 14-14 (Ch 4): 2.1.A, 2.1.B, 2.2.A, 2.2.B, 2.2.C, 2.2.D, 2.3.A, 2.3.B, 2.5.A, 3.1.A, 3.2.A, 4.1.A, 4.2.A, 4.3.A, 4.4.A, 4.4.B, 4.4.C, 4.4.D, 4.5.A, 4.6.B, 4.6.C, 4.7.A, 4.8.A, 4.8.B, 4.8.C, 4.9.A, 4.10.A, 4.11.A, 4.12.A, 4.13.A, 5.1.A, 5.2.A, 5.3.A, 5.3.B, 5.3.C, 5.4.A, 5.5.A, 5.5.B, 5.5.C, 5.5.E, 5.6.A, 5.6.B, 5.6.C, 5.7.A, 5.8.A, 5.9.A, 5.10.A, 5.10.B, 6.1.A, 6.1.B, 6.2.A, 6.3.A, 8.4.A, 8.4.B, and 8.5.A.



Suggested Course Prerequisites

  • At least 180 days of sea service as an Ordinary Seaman
  • Certification as a Rating Forming Part of a Navigation Watch (RFPNW) or completion of an approved RFPNW course.
  • Completion of an STCW Basic Training course
  • Experience onboard vessels in the deck department
  • Experience on the bridge as a trainee

Able Seaman Course

The Able Seaman (AB) Course (MITPMI-1) is a five-day USCG approved course for entry-level mariners on commercial vessels. This training is designed to provide you with the knowledge and proficiency required of a licensed mariner so you can maximize safety and performance at sea.


To qualify for an Able Seaman rating, you need to:

  • Be 18 years or older
  • Pass a drug test
  • Pass a medical and physical exam
  • Fall in line with the sea service requirements
  • Provide proof of citizenship and your Social Security card
  • TWIC


Levels of AB License and Sea Service Requirements

  • AB Limited: This level requires 18 months of service aboard a ship weighing over 100 gross tons on the ocean or in U.S. waters.
  • AB Unlimited: The sufficient amount of sea time for an AB Unlimited endorsement is 1080 days.
  • AB Special: To qualify for AB Special, you need 360 days of experience aboard a ship on the ocean or U.S. waters.
  • AB OSV (Off-shore Supply Vessel): AB OSV requires six months of experience on an ocean or U.S. vessel.
  • AB Sail: Individuals seeking an AB Sail rating spend at least six months aboard a sailing school vessel or oceanographic research vessel.
  • AB MODU (Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit): This level requires 360 days of service aboard a vessel that’s 65 feet or longer.
  • AB Fishing: AB Fishing requires 180 days of sea experience.


How to Get an AB Endorsement

You need an AB endorsement or an Ordinary Seaman (OS) endorsement to serve on major commercial vessels. For AB endorsement, you need qualifying sea service experience and must demonstrate proficiency in the necessary safety and navigation rules. You are also required to fill out a CG-719B application form and pass a lifeboatman course.

Required Examinations

For the Able Seaman Course, there are several examination requirements, which include tying knots, splices, bends and hitches. To pass, you will need to demonstrate your ability to complete a certain number of them within several 15-minute increments.

Sign up for our Able-bodied Seaman Course now or contact us for more information.


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