September 26-27, 2019 | Baltimore, MD

Keynote Address
Thomas Allegretti, President & CEO
American Waterways Operators

Regulatory Review / Clarifications / Common Misconceptions / The Road Ahead / FAQ / Panel Discussion followed by Q&A
U.S. Coast Guard

Effective TSMS Implementation & Current Industry Happenings
American Bureau of Shipping

Notes from the Field – The Auditors’ Perspective
Delphi Maritime &
Salyers Solutions, LLC

Recovering People from the Water :
Tools, Techniques and Lessons Learned
Dacon AS & C-Hero, LLC

Using Software to Manage Audits and Compliance
MobileOps &
TowWorks, LLC

The Path to Compliance for a Small
Family-Run Company
P&R Water Taxi

Subchapter M: Bane or a Boon? Using the
process-based management system approach to make it a success.
Quality Management International, Inc

New Subchapter M Training and HSP Requirements
Moxie Media

Assuring Competence as well as Compliance;
Hands-on Training Solutions

Lessons Learned and Recommendations
from Casualty Investigations