Maritime Operational Research
Maritime Research Overview
If you are a Port Designer / Planner, Operation Manager, or Pilot Organization involved in or responsible for conducting waterway / terminal suitability assessment studies, we can help.
MITAGS, with over twenty years of maritime simulation experience, delivers an effective advantage to terminal designers, ship designers, coastal engineers, pilots and tug operators. Our in-house team of modelers and shiphandling experts can support you by creating solutions to some of the most demanding of operational challenges.
MITAGS brings expertise and experience in conducting field research studies involving the transit of vessels in confined waterways. We have simulated numerous navigation channel designs with multiple ship / tow combinations spanning a broad range of environmental conditions (wind, sea, swell, visibility).
Simulation Capabilities for Ship Operational Research
MITAGS utilizes the latest Transas operating system to drive all of their simulators. Transas is renowned for its exceptional visual graphics acuity and in-house hydrodynamic teams. In addition, Transas has proven to be very responsive regarding customer feedback. Accordingly, their simulation software offers many unique features that cannot be found in similar products offered by other simulation providers.
Reporting Capabilities
The ship and tug simulators offer both video and audio recording systems that include digital screen capture and a full recording capability. The playback and recording features help provide documentation of the training and testing, as well as evaluation exercises. In addition, every action that is recorded can be re-played in real-time or fast-time and exported to assist in the reporting process.
The Bermuda Government Department of Marine & Ports Services has worked with the MMP MATES Program, undertaking business at MITAGS, on numerous vessel simulation projects, including port development, over the years. We have found their staff to be very professional, and the quality of the simulation facilities to be among the best in the United States.
Read Captain Cann’s full letter of recommendation by clicking here.
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MITAGS Simulation Capabilities, Visual Area Modeling and Vessel Hydrodynamic Modeling are recognized in the maritime industry as world class.
For a selected list of our clients, please view our Client List.
For more information on our maritime simulation and operational research services and a comprehensive review of MITAGS Simulation Facilities and Capabilities in Baltimore and Seattle, please enter your email address below and download our Simulation Capabilities Guide or Contact Us today.