NSAP® Featured in USCG Proceedings Magazine
NSAP was featured in the Winter 2018 issue of the USCG Proceedings Magazine!
NSAP was featured in the Winter 2018 issue of the USCG Proceedings Magazine!
MITAGS-PMI established the latest Navigation Skills Assessment Program® training center in Mumbai, India. The new facility is located on the campus of Anglo-Eastern Maritime Training Centre (AEMTC), India’s leading maritime institute.
The award recognizes the schools’ Navigation Skills Assessment Program (NSAP®)
NSAP® has been selected as one of just four finalists for the Training Award from Lloyd’s List Americas Awards 2017.
We are very happy to report that the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) has recently released the TMSA 3 which now includes both a requirement for and recognition of Competency Assessment Programs to ensure that Masters and Navigation Officers maintain core and specialist skills.
The MITAGS-PMI Executive Director, Mr. Glen Paine will be presenting the NSAP® during the annual Council of American Master Mariners and IFSMA meetings in April at MITAGS.