
Featured in the Jan-Feb 2020 edition of Maritime Executive, “Playing the ‘What If’ Game” discusses the hazards of the real world that still lurk around the corner while passengers enjoy their idea of “fun” on a cruise ship. It’s up to the crew of professional men and women, behind-the-scenes, to keep those passengers safe – often by playing the “What If” game. “What would we do if we lost power and started drifting towards the rocks?” “What if a passenger makes a threat against another passenger or staff member?” The list could go on.

Written by our very own Captain Jon Kjaerulff, Assistant Director of Business Development, he discusses that the goal of the “What If” exercise is to not only ascertain the crew’s awareness of standard emergency procedures, but also to develop a mindset of creative problem-solving. This leads to Jon’s explanation of his “P-P-R” (Problem, Prevention, Response) model for passenger and crew safety.

Click here to read the full article or view the entire Jan-Feb 2020 edition of Maritime Executive here.