News from MITAGS

MITAGS Homepage Screenshot

MITAGS Unveils New Website and New Logo

Baltimore, MD — The Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies (MITAGS) is pleased to announce the launch of its redesigned website MITAGS has unveiled the new site to coincide with a “refresh” of its organizational brand. Going forward, the East and West Coast campuses will both be identified as “MITAGS,” and the “MITAGS-PMI” […]

glen paine 20 years at the helm

Glen Paine: 20 Years at the Helm!

MITAGS Executive Director, Glen Paine, was recently featured in Vane Brother's Pipeline Winter/Spring 2019 magazine edition. This year marks Glen's 20th year at the helm of MITAGS. Congratulations Glen!

TST corporation employees who completed coast guard vts training program at MITAGS

TST Corp Workers Complete Coast Guard VTS Training at MITAGS

Earlier this month, MITAGS hosted several operators from Japan’s Toyo Shingo Tsushinsha Corporation (TST) – or Toyo Signal Broadcasting Corporation when translated to English – for a two-week US Coast Guard Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) training program in Baltimore, Maryland. This training program provided TST’s operators with an immersive learning experience that included shiphandling instruction on MITAGS’s full-mission […]