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Emily Hopkins promoted to Assistant Director of MITAGS
After 12 years of service, Emily Hopkins has been promoted to the position of Assistant Director of MITAGS.
ROM Quarantine and Military Sealift Command
Close-quarters ships are no place for a fast-spreading virus. You can imagine how quickly diseases move when a large group of people is gathered in one place for a long time. To prevent this scenario from playing out, the United States Navy, and, more specifically, the Military Sealift Command, can impose a Restriction of Movement […]
Why is Cyber Security so important to Mariners?
In today’s digital world, cyber threats are increasing rapidly, and every sector needs to be prepared for potential cyber-attacks. The maritime industry, including shipping, ports, and offshore activities, is highly vulnerable to cyber-attacks with implications including impact to global trade, significant financial losses, environmental damage, and even loss of life. Check out the new MITAGS […]