Washington State Ferries
Maritime Apprenticeship Program

Frequently Asked Questions

Relocation for Program?


If you do not currently reside in the Puget Sound area, you will need to relocate for the program and to work for the Washington State Ferries. You will be required to be in Seattle for the class portions. You will be required to eventually work all the Washington State Ferry routes. If accepted into the program, the program managers can provide more details on considerations for moving.

What is the Typical Flow of the Program?


All of our apprenticeship programs are approved as two year programs.  For the WSF scholarship program, the two years are split into 6 class phases and 5 sea phases. Below is a brief breakdown of the class and sea phases:

  • Class Phase 1 (January 13-February 7, 2025) – 4 weeks of classes which includes an orientation
  • Sea Phase 1 – 14 weeks to go out with partner company and work on sea service requirements
  • Class Phase 2 (May 12-June 6, 2025) – 4 weeks of classes
  • Sea Phase 2 – 15 weeks to go out with partner company and work on sea service requirements
  • Class Phase 3 (Sept 22-Oct 10, 2025) – 3 weeks of classes
  • Sea Phase 3 – 21 weeks to go out with partner company and work on sea service requirements
  • Class Phase 4 (March 9-March 27, 2026) – 3 weeks of classes
  • Sea Phase 4 – 21 weeks to go out with partner company and work on sea service requirements
  • Class Phase 5 (Sept 7-Oct 2, 2026) – 4 weeks of classes
  • Sea Phase 5 – 11 weeks to go out with partner company and work on sea service requirements
  • Class Phase 7 (Jan 25-March 12, 2027) – 6 weeks of classes; end of classes and License Prep course

***Please note class dates are subject to change but expected to be as listed above***



  • Classes are generally Monday through Friday, 0800-1600 with an hour for lunch.
  • All classes except one are at the MITAGS campus in Seattle; one class will be at Compass Courses in Edmonds.
  • MITAGS will provide plotting tools, calculator, student guides, and reference materials for all classes.
  • Students are expected to bring their own notebooks, pens, pencils.
  • Due to the approval of the classes and program, classes must be attended in full and in person.
  • This is the fastest track possible to this level of mate’s license, expect classes to be intense and challenging. The program covers an incredible wealth of information in just two years.
  • Progress reports from the sea phase will be reviewed during class phases.
Sea Phases


As a requirement of the program, an apprentice must get 360 days of sea service while in the program. Any previous sea time does not count towards the 360 required days. Previous sea time may potentially be used after completion of the program to upgrade ratings and/or license.

  • One day of sea service = 8 hours
  • Apprentices work 5 days a week, 8 hours a day during sea phases.
  • Will try to be placed on a route close to home base for first sea phase.
  • Will eventually need to apprentice on ALL routes from Tacoma to Anacortes.
  • Most routes start on the west side of Puget Sound.
  • Apprentices are placed with a watch onboard meaning they work with the same team for the time they are on that route.
  • Apprentices are expected to shadow all the various deck roles onboard over the 2 years. As a deck officer, you will be a leader and must be aware of the individual roles onboard.
  • Apprentices are expected to make continuous progress on the sea service requirements but it is during this time that there can be some flexibility for appointments, birthdays, holidays, life, etc.
  • There will be progress reports during this time period that go to the captains, then to the WSF program manager, then to the MITAGS program manager and reviewed during the next class phase.
How Much Does it Cost?


All costs are being covered by Washington State Ferries, below are the amounts WSF is covering for each scholarship apprentice:

  • For 2025, the Unlimited Inland mate program is estimated at $40,000
  • TWIC is $125.50
  • Physical for Medical Cert for MMC is $110-$150
  • Drug Test for MMC is $50-$60
  • MMC is $140
  • WSF will provide certain uniform elements such as jackets and PPE

Currently, WSF is determining if there will be any obligations during the apprenticeship or post apprenticeship.

What Are the Wages?


  • For the required 360 days of sea service, the stipend is $200/day.
  • There is no stipend for the time in classes.
  • Logistically, this stipend is income and can therefore be taxed; currently, apprentices must plan for that come tax season. WSF is trying to determine how to adjust for this internally.
  • As an apprentice you are not a WSF employee so there are no benefits available during the two years as an apprentice.
If Accepted As a Scholarship Apprentice?


  • All accepted scholarship apprentices will come to MITAGS and work with MITAGS/WSF on the following:
    • Transportation Worker’s Identification Card (TWIC)
    • USCG Issued Merchant Mariner Credential 
    • USCG Issued Medical Certificate – ensure you complete form 719K including Section VIII, Food Handing Certificate.  (Do not use the entry level form 719KE)
    • ***the above are all requirements for working in the maritime industry, we recommend reviewing the documents to know what will be asked if accepted into the scholarship program***
  • At that time we will also need proof of High School Diploma or GED
  • You will need to provide evidence of U.S. Citizenship usually in the form of a passport – a requirement to qualify for a mate’s license
  • Verify apprentice will be 19 at start of program – this minimum due to required minimum 21 years old to qualify for a mate’s license
  • Date to start the initial paperwork is not yet determined, ideally sometime in September 2024
What If I’m Not Accepted into the Scholarship Program?


At this time, both MITAGS and WSF expect to run a program with a similar application timeline for 2026. The website will be updated as information becomes available.

MITAGS also offers two other apprenticeship (WBM and GRN) programs that will accept applications in August and September.

To get started working in the maritime industry, one can get their documents (discussed above) and start applying for entry level jobs i.e. Ordinary Seafarer (O.S.), Wiper, or Steward/Food Handler.  One does not need to immediately go get training or go to a school to get a job on a vessel.

What Licenses/Ratings is One Qualified for After Completion of the Program?


  • Mate of Inland Unlimited
  • AB Limited (National)
  • AS-D (International STCW rating)
  • Lifeboatman**First Class Pilotage for Puget Sound once mate’s license is obtained –  may apply for internal pilotage process available once license is obtained
Post Program – Working As a Licensed Deck Officer with WSF


  • After the program is complete, you will need to take the 5 license exams at the local Regional Exam Center. All persons that hold a mate’s license 500tons or higher had to take exams regardless of the path they took to qualify for that license.
  • Once you pass exams, you can apply for an OS/AB job at WSF. Once hired on as OS/AB and have your license in hand then you can apply for WSF’s internal pilotage program.  Officers must have first class pilotage to work as a mate and bid on jobs. This is a nine month paid program.
  • After completing the pilotage program, you go through WSF’s internal new mate orientation. Once that is complete, you can start to bid on mate jobs.
  • Jobs are bid on multiple times a year
  • Bids are won based on seniority
  • All onboard jobs are based on seniority
  • Mates generally work five days a week, 8 hours a day OR four days a week, 10 hours a day
  • Once fully hired by WSF, will qualify for benefits, vacation, sick time, and retirement
  • Current annual starting salary for WSF mates is between $97,000-$110,000
  • Would start as Second mate working the car deck. The second mate is in charge of loading and monitoring the safety of the car deck.  Second mate is also the medical officer.
  • With enough time and seniority, move up to Chief mate. Chief mate assists in vessel navigation and dockings.
  • Need 360 days as mate and another set of USCG exams to get Master’s license. Need to sail 360 days as Chief mate with WSF and have Master’s Unlimited Inland license to be eligible to sail as Captain for WSF.
  • Random benefits of working for WSF:
    • Unlike most maritime jobs, you get to go home every night
    • As the largest ferry system in the country, strong job stability
Can the Licenses/Ratings Transfer to Other Parts of the Maritime Industry?


Logistically yes; it should be noted for all the apprenticeship programs MITAGS offers, the predominant focus is finding long-term career potential with the company a person apprentices with.  All the apprenticeship programs rely on the companies supporting an apprentice onboard.  If a majority of apprentices use the program to get a license and then go elsewhere, companies would stop supporting.

With that, we recognize that since the program has been designed for folks that have little to no maritime experience, you don’t know what you don’t know.

The most flexible part of the license is the AB Limited.  Almost all vessels need ABs or at the very least deckhands.

To go from the Inland Mate license to an Oceans Mate license, first review the 500/1600 ton apprenticeship program linked here that permits an apprentice to qualify for an Oceans license within the program.  In the context of the WSF program, you would have to complete the WSF program, get the licenses that are approved as part of the program.  Then you would have to sail for 540 days on ocean going vessels as an AB.  There would also be additional classes to qualify for an Ocean’s license.  Once those requirements are met, you would then have to take more exams to complete the raise in grade to Oceans.

Other Considerations/Questions?


Criminal Convictions
A criminal record does not necessarily disqualify a person from getting a license. However, the paperwork process requires completion of a 719C. WSF intends to restart its route to Sydney, BC in the future. Canada has very strict policies related to DUI.

Learning Disabilities & Testing Accommodations
At MITAGS, we do our best to accommodate individuals with learning disabilities. However, outside of the school accommodations are not provided. All participants pursuant of the unlimited inland mate license are required to take the 5 USCG exams. The Regional Exam Centers are not allowed to provide accommodations, as allowances for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) can impact language critical skills. Generally, there is no allowance made to ensure safety of crew. The exact language about accommodations can be viewed here under the Examinations Guide.

Other Programs
If you decide that another MITAGS apprenticeship program is a better fit, we encourage you to apply. Note that applications differ for each program.

Employment During Apprenticeship
The apprenticeship program is a fairly intense 2-year commitment that requires a participant’s full attention. Apprentices will have weekends off during class phases, and weekdays off during sea phases. We do not recommend additional employment during the apprenticeship.