ROM Quarantine and Military Sealift Command

ROM Quarantine and Military Sealift Command

Close-quarters ships are no place for a fast-spreading virus. You can imagine how quickly diseases move when a large group of people is gathered in one place for a long time. To prevent this scenario from playing out, the United States Navy, and, more specifically,...
How to Join the Merchant Marine

How to Join the Merchant Marine

If you’re looking for a career that offers challenging physical work, substantial pay and an opportunity for adventure, the Merchant Marine might be right for you. The Merchant Marine, sometimes called the merchant navy, consists of civilian vessels — such as...

How to Become a Chief Mate

Have you ever considered a life at sea on a merchant ship? Maybe you are familiar with the merchant marines and are interested in the different career paths. Or perhaps you are attending a maritime academy and are interested in learning more about the officer roles...
Designated Person Ashore

Designated Person Ashore

Designated Person Ashore The International Safety Management (ISM) Code requires all commercial ships to have a trained Designated Person Ashore (DPA) as a point of contact between the company and crew on the water. This individual monitors various areas of the...