Oct 14, 2020 | Blog, News
After 12 years of service, Emily Hopkins has been promoted to the position of Assistant Director of MITAGS.
Aug 27, 2020 | Maritime Jobs 101
If you’re looking for a career that offers challenging physical work, substantial pay and an opportunity for adventure, the Merchant Marine might be right for you. The Merchant Marine, sometimes called the merchant navy, consists of civilian vessels — such as...
Aug 7, 2020 | Blog
MITAGS now offers Operational Research customers the ability to link in and view live stream feeds of their projects in action. Customers and principals who lack the time or ability to travel can now observe, comment and interact in real time with their colleagues and MITAGS staff on-site Baltimore or Seattle.
Jul 7, 2020 | Maritime Jobs 101
Have you ever considered a life at sea on a merchant ship? Maybe you are familiar with the merchant marines and are interested in the different career paths. Or perhaps you are attending a maritime academy and are interested in learning more about the officer roles...
Apr 16, 2020 | Maritime Jobs 101
Designated Person Ashore The International Safety Management (ISM) Code requires all commercial ships to have a trained Designated Person Ashore (DPA) as a point of contact between the company and crew on the water. This individual monitors various areas of the...