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How to Get Your Captain’s License

How to Become a Tugboat Captain

Becoming a master of towing vessels — also known as a tugboat captain or tugboat pilot — may sound like an unusual career choice. But for many, a tugboat captain’s license unlocks a compelling vocation that’s hands-on, dynamic and financially secure. Why Get a Captain’s License? There are several professional and personal benefits you can […]

Good Housekeeping and Safe Working Practices for Vessels at Sea

Proper housekeeping and safe ship working practices ensure a comfortable working environment and are critical for staying safe on the open water. Establishing and following a set of health and safety guidelines can keep ships functioning at an optimal level. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about maintaining a clean, […]

cargo boxes on ship at sea

ROM Quarantine and Military Sealift Command

Close-quarters ships are no place for a fast-spreading virus. You can imagine how quickly diseases move when a large group of people is gathered in one place for a long time. To prevent this scenario from playing out, the United States Navy, and, more specifically, the Military Sealift Command, can impose a Restriction of Movement […]