What’s Up at MITAGS?

How to Become a Tugboat Captain
Becoming a master of towing vessels — also known as a tugboat captain or tugboat pilot — may sound like an unusual career choice. But for many, a tugboat captain’s license unlocks a compelling vocation that’s hands-on, dynamic and financially secure. Why Get a Captain’s License? There are several professional and personal benefits you can […]

Good Housekeeping and Safe Working Practices for Vessels at Sea
Proper housekeeping and safe ship working practices ensure a comfortable working environment and are critical for staying safe on the open water. Establishing and following a set of health and safety guidelines can keep ships functioning at an optimal level. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about maintaining a clean, […]

Emily Hopkins promoted to Assistant Director of MITAGS
After 12 years of service, Emily Hopkins has been promoted to the position of Assistant Director of MITAGS.

ROM Quarantine and Military Sealift Command
Close-quarters ships are no place for a fast-spreading virus. You can imagine how quickly diseases move when a large group of people is gathered in one place for a long time. To prevent this scenario from playing out, the United States Navy, and, more specifically, the Military Sealift Command, can impose a Restriction of Movement […]

MITAGS now offers LIVE remote viewing of Operational Research simulation projects
MITAGS now offers Operational Research customers the ability to link in and view live stream feeds of their projects in action. Customers and principals who lack the time or ability to travel can now observe, comment and interact in real time with their colleagues and MITAGS staff on-site Baltimore or Seattle.

Vane Bros’ Mariners Join in Bridge Resource Mgmt Refresher
Earlier this year Vane Brothers sent several dozen of their mariners to MITAGS facilities on both coasts for our Bridge Resource Management Refresher course.