The Navigation Skills Assessment
Program (NSAP)® Brochure.
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Home : About the NSAP® : Reviewed by Leading Experts
UCLA National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST) : “Overall, the assessment that MITAGS West Coast Campus has developed for their NSAP® was observed to be sound and well designed to the performance skills of interest. Specifically, their group of subject matter experts possess an extraordinary wealth of practical ship piloting knowledge and experience, and were able to craft a well-designed exercise that incorporates more than 20 plausible, challenging, and in some cases, unexpected event scenarios to serve as measures for their assessment.” Evaluated by Alan Koenix, PhD, Markus Iseli, PhD
Progeny Systems Corporation : “Development of the Navigation Skills Assessment Program (NSAP)® required the application of psychometric principles and procedures as specified by Progeny Systems Corporation (PSC) , which were in accordance with technical, professional, and legal standards. Reliable and valid assessment policies ensure that the performance assessments of deck officers in the NSAP® program are based on job-related criteria as defined by work analysis led by Dr. Hertz (Applied Psychologist at PSC) who is trained as an industrial-organizational psychologist.”
Boeing: Dr. Barbara Holder, the lead cognitive scientist conducting research and development on training and assessment at Boeing, reviewed the NSAP®. The program was discussed at length, and Dr. Holder believes that MITAGS’s simulation development team is creating effective training and evaluation for mariners at all levels. Dr. Holder also indicated that the scenario-based testing that is currently being implemented by MITAGS is in line with what Boeing, is hoping to do in the future, in addition to their event-based simulations. This is a global aviation trend that is widely supported by the industry as the way forward. The collaboration between MITAGS and Boeing, is an exciting step toward providing both industries with fresh ideas and more effective tools for training and evaluation.