’ new website sees the transition from a non-responsive website with a static layout and inefficient functionality, to a user friendly, vibrant and modern website.
It has streamlined the account creation and registration process. The navigation menu has been reorganized to be more user friendly. The search functionality has been enhanced, making it much easier for users to find the information they need quickly and efficiently. The site also provides additional information resources, including a blog and FAQs. The design is vibrant and fresh, and features more use of interactive imagery, such as videos. In addition, it’s now responsive, and, internally, MITAGS has more flexibility and creative control in how content is managed and created, further enhancing the users’ experience and expanding MITAGS’ marketing capabilities.
Click through the slider below to see the before photos!
With the transition from MITAGS-PMI to MITAGS, a new logo was in order. The new logo stays true to MITAGS’ roots and tradition with the continued use of the laurel wreath and sextant. The addition of the ship wheel highlights MITAGS’ connection to the International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots (MM&P). The wheel also reflects that MITAGS’ training programs have expanded over the years to include courses for unlicensed mariners and officers in the deck and engine departments. Finally, it serves as a graphic depiction of MITAGS’ identity as an organization that serves many different segments of the maritime industry.