Engineering Apprenticeship Program
Coming Soon!
- Apprenticeship opportunities on a variety of different vessels
- Responsibility for the maintenance of mechanical systems on a vessel
- Work as a team to keep the vessel running safely and smoothly
Marine engineers are the crew members responsible for the operation, maintenance, and repair of the major mechanical systems of a vessel. As in the deck department, there is a hierarchy of positions in the engine room beginning with entry-level oilers and wipers progressing all the way to Chief Engineer. Also like those working on deck, the engineering department of a vessel works as a team to keep the vessel running smoothly while at sea.
Similar to our deck apprenticeship program, this program will offer a hands on training approach that allows students to work onboard vessels and apply firsthand the skills they are learning and practicing in the classroom. The program will offer both the QMED endorsement and Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch (OICEW) license with completion of the two years.
The engineering program is built in cooperation with Seattle Maritime Academy. Stay tuned for more information about this exciting program as it completes its evaluation with the U.S. Coast Guard and moves towards being implemented on our West Coast campus in the near future.
Maritime Apprenticeship Programs
MITAGS’ Maritime Apprenticeship Programs offer a fast and cost-effective way for passionate individuals that possess little or no maritime experience to earn highly desirable qualifications.
For the sea service training component, MITAGS facilitates the matching of prospective apprentices with reputable companies who have signed on with the program, using an interview process. Apprentices must be placed with a Partner Company prior to starting the program, and they remain with a selected company throughout the entire program.
Upon program completion, the Apprentice will be eligible to sit for their Mate’s license and will also hold their AB Limited. In addition, all STCW requirements and assessments are met so the mariner will also receive their Able Seafarer-Deck and OICNW credentials to sail internationally. The tonnage of the vessels the apprentice sails on during the program will determine whether they receive their Mate of 500/1600 GRT vessels, or a Third Mate Unlimited tonnage license.
To learn more about our programs please fill out the form below!