Internal Auditing – Risk-Based (ISM Code) – Online

  • Length0 Days
  • Pre-requisiteNone

Course Description

This 2-day online workshop will explore best practices to ensure a systematic and risk-based approach to internal auditing in order to identify and assess risks to improve processes and management system effectiveness. We recommend this class for more experienced auditors who have a firm grasp of the auditing fundamentals and can more easily learn how to convert and organize findings into a risk assessment framework. This course follows the ISM Code and is part of the QSE Solutions Continual Improvement Workshop Series®.

Prerequisites- None.

Suggested Courses/Skills- None.

This course is not eligibile for the MATES Program.

What You Will Learn

  • Define Purpose, Authority, and Responsibility of Risk-Based Internal Auditing
  • Describe Risk-Based Internal Auditing Objectives
  • List Inherent Elements of a Good Auditor
  • Identify Risk-Based Internal Auditor Qualifications and Key Competencies (KSAs)
  • Develop and Implement a Plan for the Risk- Based Internal Auditing Team’s On-Going Professional Development
  • Identify Quality Audits to Ensure Consistency of Results
  • Explain Risk-Based Internal Audit Processes
  • Develop a Risk-Based Internal Auditor Toolbox
  • Establish a Framework for Assessing Risk
  • Develop Criteria against which to Audit
  • Verify and Validate Documents and Records
  • Conduct a Successful Interview
  • Assess Performance Measurements
  • Write a Meaningful Risk-Based Internal Audit Report
  • Determine Appropriate Follow-up Activity
  • Identify Common Audit Mistakes
  • Promote Quality Assurance & Improvement of Risk-Based Internal Auditing

If there are no available course sessions at this time, but you are interested in attending a future session, please contact the MITAGS Admissions team.

Want to set up a custom company training or workshop?  Contact QSE Solutions directly! Email or  call 425.788.2713.

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