The Navigation Skills Assessment
Program (NSAP)® Brochure.
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Home : About the NSAP®
The Navigation Skills Assessment Program (NSAP)® is a risk-based measurement tool to assess a mariner’s performance in the simulator, focused specifically on the core skills required of licensed deck officers as defined by international standards and industry best practices. Each NSAP® session uses realistic scenario-based exercises geared toward each company’s operation and is assessed by trained and qualified subject matter experts. At the conclusion of the session the participant is debriefed by the assessor/facilitator. The debrief provides an opportunity for the participant to discuss his/her performance with the facilitator and for the facilitator to provide guidance to improve and enhance the participant’s navigational skills. The vision of the NSAP® is to reduce catastrophic maritime incidents by addressing mariner competency and knowledge and use of technology. At the conclusion of the NSAP® session a comprehensive report is provided to the company which can be used to determine the allocation of resources to improve specific skills or mitigate specific risks.